New York Apple


Act Now

Support Full & Proper Implementation of New York’s Green Amendment

It’s Time to Celebrate & Champion Our New York Green Amendment.

Please join with New Yorkers from across the state to urge the proper & strong interpretation and enforcement of our NY Green Amendment that gives all New Yorkers a constitutional RIGHT to clean water and air, and a healthful environment.  

There are two ways to take action:

  1. Sign the letter urging strong government defense of our environmental rights and urge others to sign as well.
  2. Join us in Albany on July 12 to Rally, March & Celebrate our environmental rights & deliver our letter.  Learn more about the Rally and all the ways you can engage here: .

Why Act?  Now that Article 1 Section 19 of the state constitution – the New York Green Amendment – recognizes an enforceable right of all New Yorkers to “clean water and air, and a healthful environment,” people are going to court to defend their communities from devastating levels of pollution. Rather than experience a positive government response in support of environmental rights, communities are experiencing government resistance.  We need all New Yorkers to band together and urge our government officials to fully embrace & protect our environmental rights.

Rally & March Details:

When: July 12 at Noon

Where: Albany on the steps of the NY State Capitol

What:  A Rally and March to Lift Up the Protections our NY Green Amendment is providing communities & to deliver the letter and urge Governor Hochul, Attorney General James, and our NY DEC Commissioner to embrace the power & obligation for protection it demands.

Website to learn all the details & to sign up in support: 

Help Spread the Word:  You can help us spread the word in your community, organization, or at a local environmental festival by distributing our special Rally, March & Letter flyer.  Just fill out this form with your mailing address and we will send you a packet of flyers you can handout in your community, at your business, or at a local tabling/environmental event.  Or feel free to print at home with this PDF copy of the NY Letter & Rally Flyer

Whether you can come to the Rally or not, please be sure to join with New Yorkers from across the state and sign the letter  urging our government leaders to positively embrace the New York Green Amendment and protect our environmental rights.  

Putting the NY Green Amendment to Work

Now that New Yorkers have a constitutional right to clean water and air, and a healthful environment, it is time to put this right to work – smartly!

Whenever advocating around an environmental issues, it is important to mention the constitutional right, pursuant to Article 1 Section 19 of the state constitution, of all New Yorkers to clean water and air, and a healthful environment.  Remind your government officials — whether elected, appointed or onstaff — that they have a constitutional obligation to protect your environmental rights.

A look at our resources page can help you find the right words and points to make.  Please note, we are updating the tools at the resources page but the points and articles at this link will give you good ideas while we work to update our NY specific tools now that NY has this constitutional right.

If you think there is a constitutional violation once all is said and done, it may be worth contacting legal counsel or a NY state legal clinic to discuss whether your rights have been violated and legal action is warranted.

Write an Opinion Piece or Letter to the Editor

Write an Opinion Piece or Letter to the Editor to your local paper
Help us spread the word that New Yorkers now have a right to clean water and air, and a healthful environment! Let your community members know what a environmental rights are and how they can help your community and environment.

Donate to support a Green Amendment

Donate to support full implementation of the NY Green Amendment & the nationwide movement for Green Amendments everywhere.